So far I've only been able to go to one day of the two week long hazing period. Did go on Friday and I was very hesitant about it but am glad I dragged my ass there as I had a great time! Meet a few of my future classmates and this can not be anything but 2 years of craziness and fun. Wasn't feeling to well during the weekend so had to skip the activities on Saturday and Cajsas Bingolotto evening tonight. But there will be more parties and more Sundays with bingo ;)

I think this picture just says it all... No need to explain further ;)
We were talking a bit about nicknames on Friday and for Anna it only took a few hours before she got hers and I'm pretty sure it will stick with her for these two years. We also joked about about Christers name CmCH but as for the others I'm not sure something has really stuck yet. I wonder what mine will end up being seeing I have had a bunch thru out the years.
Fnittra (giggles), FluffyAngel, Linterella, Murderdollie, Boppa, Wednesday, Bosse... the list goes on and on but there is really only one that I dont like at all and thats Bob. So boring and not one bit creative.
The one that has given me the most names must be Sari seems a bit like she had a new one for me every summer ;)