Just felt that I had to write something as I've been so quiet again. But I've been to busy to write. Work all day and getting up early is still a bit hard although it's getting much better BUT I am completely dead when I get home. Managed to get some dinner and then I'm out!
But today I got to leave 30 min earlier! What a difference! *lol* Billy was nice enough to let me leave a bit earlier. Must also add that today was a really good day :)
After work my accountant came by and we finished up the last papers concerning my company, well my now sleeping company. And she had some great news for me. I get back on my taxes this year! For the first time in ... I dont even know! And it's quite a lot also!
And tomorrow I'm getting my first paycheck! Wooohooo!! Ok so it's only for about 1 weeks work but it is still pay!
Then my cousin is planing to come down again during summer for a visit and bringing her wonderful children. I love my cousin and her family! Am hoping that I will be able to go with them to Thailand next year :)
I think this is all I have time for tonight as I can hear my pillow just screaming my name right now!
Night night!!